
Join Amber in this Do It Yourself explorative journey to discover the magic of mindfulness. 


Did you know...

Adding a daily mindfulness practice will help you:

1)  Decrease anxiety and stress levels so you can feel happier & fulfilled more often
2) Manage emotions so you can react less to outside forces - seen & unseen
3) Think clearer thoughts so you can develop better decision-making skills

4) Express yourself more meaningfully with deeper communication and listening skills

And so much more.....

All of which can lead to overall better health and well-being! 


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DIY Mindfulness Camp
$35.00 USD

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DIY Mindfulness Camp
$35.00 USD

What you need to know: 

  • Commitment: $35
  • In your email you'll receive a total of 5 videos over 5 days and a downloadable and printable PDF document to use each day for reference and journaling prompts
  • Dates: No time like the present
  • Time: Morning time is best, but any undisturbed time you can find to watch each video works!
  • You'll have my direct email to reach out with questions and takeaways

 Here are a few things we'll explore together:







Meditation, Self-inquiry, and breathing techniques to use in times of stress and relaxation.










Incorporating a mindfulness practice easily into your day that will strengthen your relationship to Self so you can watch your relationships at home, work, and play flourish too!









Listening deeply, communicating more authentically, making friends with stinkin-thinkin', a chance to view your world differently, and lots more to help you live a life that feels more grounded, stress-free, and authentically you. 


What am I committing to exactly?

Taking 30 minutes or less during 5 days to learn tools and resources about mindfulness

Taking these tools and resources and practicing them easily throughout your day

Taking 5 to 15 minutes at the end of each day to write down your experiences

Being open to the idea that more awareness will bring flow, grace, and ease into your life